Thursday, August 27, 2015

College Journalism Experience

As for my writing ability, it unfortunately is not matched by my verbal ability which is affected by an impediment. Also, I have outside of a few websites here and there never been able to get anywhere by writing. I was fired from 2 college newspaper jobs, the first due to left-wing pressure due to the fact that I was the conservative student paper columnist and when I refused my editor's demand that I change my opinions to placate the lefties. The second time was when the editor assigned me to cover a major screw up by the administration that lead to the student ID cards being inoperable for over a month and when one of the administrators threatened to shut down the paper unless it backed off, the editor caved in and fired me to satisfy the administration. The matter was never covered by the student paper, not even in the form of a letter to the editor, even just about all the students were afflicted by the problem. 

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