Sunday, August 30, 2015

Fornax #6 Rough Draft

From the Editor:

Ted White's Screw-Up:

     In the March, 1970, the then editor of Amazing Stories, Ted White, wrote the following note in response to a review by Dennis O'Neil of Michael Crichton's book The Andromeda Strain:

          "Crichton made three earlier forays into our field by which one may attempt to assess
     him.  As "John Norman" he wrote Tarnsman of Gor, Outlaw of Gor and Priest-Kings of
     Gor for Ballantine Books.  He has also written mystery novels under the pseudonym of 
    " John Lange," the name in which the Gor  books are copyrighted."

     This is pretty interesting since when you look up John Norman, the pseudonym of a philosophy professor named John Lange, you will see that while Lange has written books other than the Gor books, none of them wee mysteries.  While Crichton did write mystery novels under the name of John Lange, it was simply a  coincidence that a man whose name really was John Lange was writing the Gor books under an assumed name.  In other words, White really messed up insinuating that the notoriously pornographic Gor books were written by the then 27 year old Crichton who was already one of the hottest sci-fi writers around so much so that its a dead certainty that The Andromeda Strain has sold more copies that all of Ted White's novels combined have.

     From what I can determine, White has failed to acknowledge this error, let alone apologize for it.

Question to Kate Paulk:

     One little problem with your concept of fandom as being a monolith under the domination of the Social Justice Warriors (SJW's) is that Laura J. Mixon won the Hugo largely because of her take down of the arch-SJW Requires Hate.  If the evil cabal that you see dominating fandom really has the kind of power that you say it has, then  Best Fan Writer would have been No Awarded.  How then do you explain Mixon's victory?

Note:  I posted the above to Kate Paulk's blog and this time the comment got through.  However, Paulk herself has failed to answer the question.  Hopefully, she will eventually see fit to answer it either on her blog or in the form of a LOC sent for publication here.

Movie Reviews:

Mark of the Vampire (1935)


     Mark of the Vampire is a significant flick in that it was one of director Tod Browning's last movies. It was also the movie that showcased what was arguably Bela Lugosi's finest performance of all time. The most significant role that Carroll Borland ever had was also featured in this movie.

     Mark of the Vampire is a good example of a B feature flick. At 60 minutes long, it was meant to be the centerpiece of a matinee bill that typically consisted of movie short(s), cartoon(s) and a chapter of a serial.

     Caroll Borland was a most interesting actress. She got her start because she was a kind of Bela Lugosi groupie. She contrived to meet Lugosi backstage when she was only a teenager. Lugosi took a liking to her and got her the role of Luna Mora in this movie. She then became his understudy. Borland created the costume, look and make-up of the Luna Mora character all by herself. As such, she created the iconic vampiress. Despite the fact that Borland played this role to perfection, complete with fantastic vampire stares and looks like a goth punk of today, this proved to be the most significant role that she would ever play in a too-short acting career. One can only wonder just why she was unable to get more roles as a vampiress.

     Mark of the Vampire begins with the discovery of the corpse of Irena Borotyn's father. His body was drained of all its blood through two holes on his neck. Was this the work of vampires as the common folk believe? Or is it something else? A year after the murder, the deceased man is seen wandering through the woods at night. Hysteria grips the countryside while the authorities struggle to make sense of it all while at the same time maintain basic law and order. Meanwhile, there is a creepy old Count Mora and his strange daughter Luna hovering about the scene. Inspector Neumann from Prague is called on the case, but all he can get from the local folks is superstitious talk about vampires.

     The best aspect of Mark of the Vampire is the atmosphere. It is positively sturated with cobwebs, dust, fog, howling wind, shadows and Gothic architecture. The sound effects are eerie. The black and white cinematography is excellent. The whole movie plays against a musicless background, just like Browning's previous film "Dracula."

     The acting in this movie is first rate starting with Lionel Barrymore as the elderly vampire stalker, Professor Zelin. Unfortunately, Barrymore was already afflicted with the rheumatism that forced him to be seated in most of his post-1930's movies. This limited his character's mobility in the flick.

     Elizabeth Allan is great as the menaced young Miss Irena Borotyn. Lionel Atwill contributes a memorable turn as Police Inspector Neumann. Donald Meek does well as the frightened Dr. J. Doskil. Ivan Simpson makes for a fine butler of the manor while Leila Bennett contributes some memorable screams as a hysterical maid.

     Another notable aspect of Mark of the Vampire is the twist at the end that leads to a surprise ending. At first the ending seems rather unreal and nonsensical, but when you get right down to thinking about it, it all makes sense.

     Mark of the Vampire is on a par with Browning's earlier movie "Dracula." Mark of the Vampire features both a strong cast and a spooky atmosphere suitable for a horror flick. As such, Mark of the Vampire would make a great double feature with Tod Browning's 1930 movie "Dracula."

Super 8 (2011) 

     Super 8 is a ripoff by its writer/director, J.J. Abrams of some of
the movies made by its producer, Steven Spielberg.  A more charitable
reviewer would call it a "homage" or a "pastiche."  Basically, it is an
act of blatant sucking up carried out on celluloid at the audience's
expense.  Just about the only redeeming aspect of this flick is its
state-of-the-art  special effects.  Like so many other science fiction movies, it puts the
monsters and the explosions before the characters.  It is clear from
watching this movie that neither Abrams or Spielberg understand that action and
mayhem have meaning only when an audience cares about the characters in the

     Basically, Super 8 is an exercise in nostalgia for those who, while
growing up during the late 1970's & early 1980's, were inspired by  the big
budget high box office grossing special effects festivals that were marketed as
being movies.  Often kids who saw those flicks were inspired to borrow their
parents's Super 8 camera and messed around with making a movie.  For a movie
supposedly set in 1979, it misses the mark in terms of the attitudes, clothes,
music and other aspects of the popular culture of the time.

     The plot of Super 8 concerns half a dozen or so teenagers who are
in the wrong place at the wrong time.  These youngsters are engaged in making a
zombie movie that they think needs to be made at midnight to achieve
"authenticity."  They get together at a train station where they think they
can make their flick without parental interference.  All of these
teenagers are the usual cliches in Hollywood flicks.  Just when everything seems to be
going well for the poorly thought out film project, disaster strikes.  There
is a train derailment, causing a big mess.  It appears that there is more to this
derailment than meets the eye given the fact that troops under the command of one
Colonel Nelec (Noah Emmerich) swarm over the area.  There is also a
mysterious creature seen moving around the area.

     One lesson that Abrams has obviously learned from Spielberg is that
when it comes to seeing the monster, less is more.   Throughout  most of
the movie, you see only a few glimpses of the creature.  Even in the scene
where the monster attacks a bus,  the camera avoids lingering on the creature.
With  Spielberg's first blockbuster, Jaws, this was an accident, necessitated
by the fact that the fake shark had numerous mechanical problems that made it
impossible to show it too often without the movie going over budget.

     Super 8 is an obvious "homage" by the apprentice Abrams to his master
Spielberg.  This is not a good movie and as such, it is not worth your time or money.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Purge Newsletter May 7th 2003

Purge Newsletter - 7 May 2003
Well Well...
Well its sure been a while since the last Purge newsletter, but now that Purge has been released and Hap has a little more time to contribute to the newsletter it should turn into some sort of bi-weekly newsletter to keep you informed to the happenings of the great game Purge. This week it is just going to be a short newsletter to basically introduce Hap's new Soapbox articles.
Soapbox #1Long time no see. Since Purge has finally shipped, I am discontinuing the "By Design" newsletter articles, and replacing them with Soapbox articles.
Purge should be in the stores by now. Should. Most stores still don't have Purge or any other new TSI published game for that matter. EB seems to be the only chain reliably carrying Purge. GameStop has shelf signs advertising TSI products, including Purge, but there is no Purge (or Bandits or Knight Rider) stocked. I had hoped to send out the Soapbox article after Purge reached mass distribution. But Nick has been bugging me for a new newsletter for a while now.
[How to run a gaming site]
Purge has been getting game reviews of varying quality. It is important that people read these reviews with a grain of salt. We've been reading reviews that are blatantly wrong. Where the reviewers just didn't read the manual and doubtfully even played Purge any longer than to take screenshots. I've read how a reviewer claimed the Android was too powerful because he could make unlimited Ion Barriers. Simply untrue. The Android can make 4. It is clearly stated in the manual. He also did not know that a Nuke/Angelfire could destroy multiple Ion Barriers/Wards nice and easy. I've read all kinds of nonsense in reviews that untrue, like the player runs too slow. They didn't know Agility could control the run speed. And then I've read conflicting reviews where one review would complain since XP is saved, people get too powerful and another review where they wish XP could be saved. These writers didn't spend the time read the manual where it explain clearly XP saving (called Persistence) is purely server optional. It this kind of half-assed game review and make you wonder what kind of reviewers they are hiring.
Well I have an idea. How? We used to run content websites. We wrote hardware and software reviews and guides. This was back when dot-coms were still hot stuff and web advertising was reasonable. We started during the very peak of the dot-com boom... I think you can figure out the story there. We just came in a little too late.
Fortunes, or lack thereof, aside, what it taught me was how gaming content websites are run. And how you can run your own gaming site too.
During the height of the dot-com, a common phrase heard was "content is king". The higher quality your writers, the better your articles, the more visitors you got. And the more visitors you got, the more page impressions (known ambiguously as "hits") you would get. The more impressions you got, the more money you made off ads. Remember the huge Thresh Quake Bible? We were no strangers to good writing either. For example, Adam wrote System Shock 2 guide, which generated a large number of new visitors.
That was the past. When web-advertising prices started falling so did quality. Now many gaming websites have unpaid writers. They take free labour as often and as possible. One Purge review on a "major" website was written by a high-sophomore. That means a 14-15 year old wrote a Purge review and this site just played it off as if a professional writer did it. And how much did he get paid for the writing the review. Zippo. Nothing. I don't think anyone can make the argument a free article by a 14 year old is going to be a quality.
Another "major" US-based website got free German writer to review Purge. The writer demanded we cater a good game at 3 AM (yes our time) or he would give us a bad review. I told him that he was crazy, and his response "not my problem".
So this is it pretty much how gaming websites are run now. You've probably noticed that websites lack the quality strategy guides that you saw 2-3 years ago. Those that still write strategy typically are unfinished or worse; require you to subscribe to their service. This is because writing guides are expensive for the gaming website. You can't get free labour for an un-aged kid to churn out guides. They person would actually have to play the game and want to spend days writing 20+ page articles. That means... dun dun dun... full time, paid writers.
It just isn't profitable when web ad rates are floating around $1-2 CPM (cost per mille or thousand impressions). (Consider when we first started running websites, ad rates were $10-15 CPM with some big sites getting up to $25 CPM.) Now some ads only pay per unique user.

The current content situation is churned out crap as fast as possible. I know all the dirty tricks to do that. I was in the business. Some people don't even write reviews. They don't review games. What they do is read the reviews from two other sites and summarize them into their own review. So they don't ever actually play the game. There are few Purge reviews that the quite suspect of being an amalgam of other reviews. I have an eye for this; I've dealt with writers who have been accused of this.

Bottom line, is gaming websites are not run like CNN or Fox News. There is not professional journalism. The number 1 goal is manufacture as much crap as possible as cheaply as possible. Many high profiles, seeming big gaming sites are run with one head guy and bunch of freelance, unpaid writers that submit articles over the Internet. That wouldn't be a big problem, if maybe the site paid the workers to do it full time. But mostly, you just find anyone who will work for free and "some" command of the English language. No Journalism or Communication college degree needed. All these writers get in return a free copy of some game. (This is easy to get once you have a few PR contacts.)
Now you know how to run a gaming website.
Domain Name: $30. Web hosting: $30. Games: free. Writers: free.

Latest News
Well there really hasn't been that much news, however one thing that Hap forgot to mention in the Soapbox is that if you think there is a feature that would go well in Purge that you could in-fact request it at the request a new feature thread in the forums.
Latest Files
If you have not tried out Purge and would like to you can download the Purge demo, which is now version 1.4.4d.
If you've bought the full version of Purge the current version is 1.4.4. If you do not have that version you can get it here.
Fan site of the week
Surprisingly enough there are currently no fan sites that cover purge to our knowledge. If you would like to start one up however we've put together some great images to be used that you can check out by downloading the Purge Fan Kit.

Praise from Paladin

I must say Hftrex, I look fwd to even mixed and bad news in your dispatches. Outside of a small handful of English Majors, and believe it or not, an even smaller group of English Instructors, I find you to be one of the more ariticulate fellows I have come across.

I find your messages to be well worded with verbs tensed accurately, few typos, and a clarity in your messages that most of these trogs and throwbacks could never appreciate.

It has been a pleasure working with you. I will send you a test message for continued email communications re: game progress. Without you in the arena, I now feel like Hannibal Lector must have when he escaped in "The Silence of the Lambs." It's time to eat.
And I do not think White Castle will suffice.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

College Journalism Experience

As for my writing ability, it unfortunately is not matched by my verbal ability which is affected by an impediment. Also, I have outside of a few websites here and there never been able to get anywhere by writing. I was fired from 2 college newspaper jobs, the first due to left-wing pressure due to the fact that I was the conservative student paper columnist and when I refused my editor's demand that I change my opinions to placate the lefties. The second time was when the editor assigned me to cover a major screw up by the administration that lead to the student ID cards being inoperable for over a month and when one of the administrators threatened to shut down the paper unless it backed off, the editor caved in and fired me to satisfy the administration. The matter was never covered by the student paper, not even in the form of a letter to the editor, even just about all the students were afflicted by the problem. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Remembering the Chicago Sports Review Website Start (Should I use the name of Mario Scalise or not?)

     Here's what happened between Mario Scalise & myself when he was the
website editor at the Chicago Sports Review (CSR). Back in late 2003/early
2004, he posted to some message boards about how writing for the CSR website was a great
way to open doors towards becoming a professional sports writer. I
signed up and right from the start, he stressed that quantity of
submissions was every bit as important to him as the quality. 

     My first submission was entitled "NHL Blues" and was published right
away virtually intact. Only problem is that it did not have my byline on it
which is important since if you're not getting paid for it, you do want
to at least be able to show it to your friends with your name on it. I
contacted him about it and he promised that the byline would be added
right away. He failed to do so despite making promises.  

     My next submission was entitled "Cubs Chances Slimmer Than You Think"
that was published minus the paragraphs about how there was a good
chance that pitchers Mark Prior and Kerry Wood would be unable to pitch
at their 2003 form .  Once again, my byline was missing. I
contacted Scalise about it, he made promises to fix it right away and
then did nothing. 

     A bit later on, I submitted a piece about the Chicago Blackhawks and
received no response from him. A week later on or so I wrote a reminder
to him about it asking for what its status was and did not receive a
response back. A bit later, I made another submission and once again,
received the silent treatment. 

     Over a month later, Scalise once again posted to some boards touting his
website as a place for aspiring sports writers. This time, I responded
by posting about my experience with both him and the CSR. He responded
in an arrogant manner in which he made it clear that he saw nothing
wrong with recruiting folks and then leaving them in the lurch and the
like. He also claimed that he was an overworked college student who did
not have the time to read through all the submissions. This makes you
wonder why he made a big deal about how quantity was so important to him
in the first place. Another thing is that, like his email to the group,
he claimed that I was a liar without providing a specific thing that I
was supposedly lying about. His response backfired since he made a
better case for his being an editor that you did not want to work with
than I ever could. 

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Monday, August 24, 2015

2004 Post on the Chicago Blackhawks Coaching Situation

Following the end of this season, the Chicago Blackhawks have at least one and perhaps two important decision(s) to make. Should Coach Brian Sutter, whose contract expires at the end of this season, be rehired? If not, then who should his successor be?

In this writer's opinion, renewing Sutter's contract is the best option. Sutter knows the team and is totally committed to hockey on a 24/7 basis. True, this season's record has been one of the worst in Blackhawks history since Arthur Wirtz bought the club in 1954. However, this was caused by team management's decision to blow up the team and the resulting flurry of trades combined with constantly sending players up and down the Hawks system has resulted in a constantly changing roster. Pretty difficult to win under those circumstances. However, unlike the Bulls, the Hawks have never quit and have kept on trying under Sutter's firm hand. Another reason to retain Sutter is that he has finally found a way to keep Tyler Arnason fully motivated and playing solid hockey. Under a new coach, there is the possiblity that Arnason will revert to his old apathetic self and slack off. Perhaps the best reason is that in between Brian Sutter's tenure (2001-) and that of his brother Darryl (1992-1995), the Hawks coaches were a muddle of mediocrity and given the state of Hawks management, its all too possible that a born loser will be Sutter's successor. 

However, if the Hawks do drop Sutter, there is a path that it should not take. This is hiring the coach of the Hawks primary minor league affiliate the Norfolk Admirals, Trent Yawney. Yawney is a minor league coach whose teams have been quite successful in the regular season, but not in the postseason. The minor league postseason is rather more intense than the regular season in much the same way that the NHL regular season is more intense than the minor league regular season. If a coach can't make it in the postseason at the minor league level, then its a sure sign that he can't make it in a NHL regular season.

Now, if the Admirals were to succeed in winning the American Hockey League championship this season, then that would be proof positive that he's the man that the Hawks need as head coach. Until then, Yawney's just another minor league coach and as such unfit to coach the Blackhawks. 

Instead, the Hawks should consider hiring one of the assistant coaches, such as fan favorite Denis Savard, or someone who's a proven head coach at either the NHL or college levels. One example is the head coach of the University of North Dakota, Dean Blais, who as the UND athletic department website put it, "The winningest active coach in NCAA Division I hockey." If the Hawks choose to take a post-Sutter road, it should be with a coach who is capable of bringing the young Hawks into contention for the NHL Central Division.

Troll Definition

Here's the definition of "troll" that was provided on the Black Hawk Zone forum of which I was a moderator:

A troll  does nothing but attempt to rankle posters and incite
arguments at every turn. They do nothing to add to the discussion.  
Instead they force their views down the throats of others, while
supplying little fact or knowledge to back up their arguments. When asked
to substantiate their opinion with fact or stats, you'll normally see
them either disappear or ignore the question all together.

There's nothing wrong with changing one's mind, as long as the opinion
you're changing is not one that you've tried to beat other posters to
death with.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Obama's Bad Idea

As of January 2015, federal contractors are required to invite job
candidates to voluntarily disclose disabilities during the application
process via a Department of Labor-created form. The form is meant to
increase opportunities for people with disabilities. Since some
disabilities can’t be seen, voluntary disclosure can help you understand
the needs of employees with various disabilities and better accommodate
their needs while cultivating your own company’s diversity, Otto says.