Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mistress of Deceit Essay

Include how Callahan was going to cut my grade down if Trickel did not back up my story that I had nothing to do with Otto not becoming the sole editor of the HH.

Also, how Bad Girl came up to my parents and I at Dicks in the Spring of 1984 and asked, "What's it like to be the parents of a retard?"

Bad Girl came up to me in late summer 1984 at Dicks and revealed her obsession with me by telling me her knowledge of what courses I took, who my professors were and what grades I got.  It was a very good thing that we moved down to Arkansas when we did since we avoided a scenario right out of the movie Fatal Attraction.

The idiotic principal of PHS, David Jones threatened to prevent me from graduating due to concerns about "civility."  I forced him to back down by threatening him with a lawsuit.

Robert Trickel later on became the assistant principal and then the principal of PHS despite his allegedly being influenced by BG not to let her become editor of the HH.

Years later, my friend  went to work for Blizzard Entertainment, the makers of Worlds of Warcraft (WOW).  While he was there, the BG inspired character of the Mistress of Deceit was added to the game.

One of my friends  coined the term Mistress of Deceit in a screaming match that he had with BG.  It is a term that I have never called anybody.

By the end of the 1982-1983 school year, Mistress of Deceit (often shortened to just "The Mistress") came to be the common nickname for BG.

In our Writing For Publication class, BG blatantly sucked up to the teacher/"adviser" Mr. Trickel to an incredible degree.  For instance, after Trickel got a pair of what were called "duck shoes," BG got a pair of her own.  She then proclaimed to everyone that she did so out of respect for Trickel's fashion sense.

BG always wore pants, hardly ever wore makeup,  and oftentimes affected a mannish look.

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